Why Doesn’t My PR Strategy Work?

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There are seven common reasons that public relations programmes don’t deliver the results that you want.  He’s a quick overview: Your message is wrong.  Most PR programs are focused on awareness, without actually taking the time to consider whether the message that’s being communicated is the right one.  If the message is wrong all theContinue Reading

7 Steps to Effective PR Strategies

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7 Steps to Effective PR Strategies 1. In the top left in the box called ‘Desired Outcome’ write down one desired outcome from public relations activity that is achievable within the next 90 days. It must be realistic, specific, and measurable. 2. In the top right of the canvas marked ‘Assumptions’ write down the namesContinue Reading

Donald Trump’s PR Problem

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Donald Trump’s PR Problem Donald Trump has a serious PR problem – that will keep him out of the White House For Donald Trump to become the next President of the United States, he need strong relationships with both his core supporters that embrace his extreme policies AND more moderate Republican voters.  That’s no meanContinue Reading